DFK Collins has specific industry experience in a number of not for profit industry sectors. The needs of this sector are somewhat different to those of for profit and government organisations. We understand that many organisations in the not for profit sector are limited in resources and rely on the skills of those on the board, employees and volunteers. Services in this sector need to be delivered in a way that is affordable and practical.
DFK Collins has specific industry experience in a number of not for profits industry sectors from working with associations providing services to people with mental and physical disabilities to sporting clubs and associations providing benefits to members.
We are familiar with all operating structures under which not for profits operate including Companies Limited by Guarantee, Incorporated Associations, and organisations set up under individual statutes or deeds.
Our services in this area include:
- Accounting services and general business compliance services
- External Audit (including acting as the audit service provider for the Victorian Auditor General’s Office)
- Internal Audit
- Risk Management
- Performance Reviews of Industry or business segments
- Due Diligence Reviews
- Data analysis and Interrogation services utilising data analysis software
- Financial Planning including financial modelling, budgeting and preparation of long term financial plans.