For confidentiality reasons, we’ve referred to our client as Client B.
DFK Collins provides a range of accounting and professional services to Client B – a company incorporated in Australia in 2010 as the Melbourne-based subsidiary of the US Parent. Client B are contracted by a well-known transport industry organisation and State Government of Victoria to design, deploy and manage a transport system.
DFK Collins has been instrumental in the set-up and ongoing corporate and accounting function of the organisation. DFK Collins has provided the company with a number of key services, including:
- Preparation of quarterly management accounts for use by Management and the US Parent, including advice surrounding various accounting issues such as depreciation of fixed assets, foreign exchange currency translation and treatment of leased vehicles and associated payments;
- Provision of taxation planning advice in respect to issues such as transfer pricing, deductibility of start-up costs and small-business entity concessions;
- Provision of advice in respect to transacting in Australia, encompassing applications for financial reporting lodgement relief and audit relief;
- Preparation and lodgement of applications for a substituted accounting period to synchronise the company’s year-end with its US parent for both tax and accounting purposes, enabling ease of reporting and minimising compliance costs of the Group;
- Maintenance of corporate records, including the creation of an electronic corporate register, preparation of minutes and relevant ASIC documentation;
- Correspondence with the ATO as a registered tax agent, facilitating ABN registration, GST registration and application for a corporate TFN;
- Ongoing compliance services, encompassing preparation and lodgement of quarterly Business Activity Statements and annual Income Tax Returns; and
- Provision of IT Hosting Services over the DFK Collins server providing the ability for users to access accounting records remotely from any location.
The company continues to be a valued client of DFK Collins and we look forward to assisting them with continued growth and development.